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I’ve been a Spiritual seeker since my teenage years but put that part of my life on the back burner to navigate college and career.  I eventually found my way back to that familiar path, after hitting reboot on my life and trying to get reacquainted with who I am and what makes me tick.  Through that process, I was introduced to meditation and to a series of lectures by Bob Proctor about the Universal Laws and fell down the rabbit hole again.

They say once you open the door to your spiritual side it will lead you where you need to be, you just have to be open and pay attention.  Everything I researched and learned would lead to something else, until I found myself enrolled in a Reiki Certification Class.  I realized pretty early into the course that being a healer felt right for me, brought back my light, and made me feel at peace with myself. 

While finishing up my Master Teacher Level certification, I did realize there were some aspects of Reiki that weren’t resonating with me.  I started to research those items and that’s when I came across a lecture by Dr. Eric Pearl talking about Reconnective Healing ®.  Reconnective Healing resonated with me in ways that Reiki did not. It has a simplicity that allowed me to be more present and connected with my clients.  There is a freedom in not directing energy but in trusting Universal Intelligence to orchestrate harmony and balance and to be able to just be the witness.  The Reconnective Healing energy interaction was more in tune with my true nature.

It wasn’t long before I read his book “The Reconnection” and immediately enrolled in the training classes.  I subsequently became a Foundational and Reconnection Certified Practitioner. My quality of life is in such a different place now.  I am no longer fighting against the current, but going with the flow and getting where I need to be much faster than I could have imagined.  I may not have known this is what I would be doing with my life when I was taking those first steps, but now I can’t picture myself doing anything else.